What Is a MathRack (Rekenrek)

The original arithmetic rack, also known as a Rekenrek, was developed by Adrian Treffers, a mathematic curriculum researcher, at the Freudenthal Institute in Holland. It was designed to support the natural mathematical development of children’s addition and subtraction strategies as well as encourage and enhance children’s strategic mathematical thinking.


Benefits of MathRack (Rekenrek)

Helping Your Child be Successful

Mathematics education in the schools today often looks quite different to parents than what they remember from their past schooling. Emphasis has shifted away from pencil/paper arithmetic and drill, to mental arithmetic and a deep understanding of number and operation as a foundation for algebra. As a result of new standards, children today are expected to write mathematical arguments, choose appropriate models, analyze patterns, and solve problems.

Catherine Twomey Fosnot

Cathy Fosnot is Professor Emerita of Childhood Education at the City College of New York, where she was the Founding Director of Mathematics in the City. In 2004 she received the Teacher of the Year Award from CCNY. Cathy has authored over 80 books and curriculum units on mathematics education, most recently Conferring with Young Mathematicians at Work, the Contexts for Learning Mathematics series (54 curriculum units and 13 children’s books), the Young Mathematicians at Work series (4 books), and A Parent’s Guide to Math Education in Today’s Schools (published in English and Spanish). Early in her career, Cathy was awarded the AECT/ECTJ Young Scholar Award for her research and writing on educational technology and the Constructivism SIG of AERA has recognized her work twice with their Significant Contribution Award. Currently she is the President of New Perspectives on Learning, New Perspectives on Assessment, and New Perspectives Online.

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