What we do…
MathRack (Rekenrek) products are teaching tools designed to support and stretch primary student’s mathematical thinking strategies and in turn their understanding of number sense, addition, subtraction and problem solving.
Our products are designed to enhance understanding AND reinforce higher level counting strategies. MathRack products support invented strategies of children using moveable objects and are aligned with Common Core Standards and ALL Math Curriculums.
Made in USA! Veteran owned! | We serve teachers, parents, and students! | Our mission is to produce quality products at affordable prices.
MathRack (Rekenrek) is a Sole Source Vendor dedicated to producing the highest quality math educational and instructional products for children at affordable prices.
Who We Are
It is hard to believe that Scott and Lynn dated when they were 15 years old! (Lynn still has the ring Scott gave her-angora and all!) Over the years they remained friends and even went to each others wedding! Time passed by and each of them were blessed with two wonderful children! ( And now 8 stellar grandkids! ) After becoming single again their paths crossed only to realize they were still best friends! Twenty-three happy years later they, like most couples, have been through a lot but always had each others support and now are business partners! It was a journey, as Scott’s many talents led him in many directions and Lynn’s passion for teaching intensified with each passing year. His talents and her passion led to MathRack which began in their garage and now a recent move to a Wisconsin warehouse near their dream cabin. As they look back Scott’s positive attitude and passion for MathRack kept him going through many illnesses and now MathRack is keeping both of them young as they continue to work hard to serve teachers and students!
Lynn & Scott Rule
Scott Rule
After graduating from high school Scott enlisted in the Air Force for 4 years serving in Taiwan during the Viet Nam war. It was there where his love for aviation began. That dream was put on hold as he returned to the family farm where he worked for the next 18 years. During that time his passion to be a pilot grew to a point that his evenings became consumed with flying lessons until he earned his commercial rating with instrument and multi engine designations. The dream to become a commercial pilot was out of reach but his dream to fly was fulfilled. After farming Scott became a property manager of a large apartment complex. He later held various selling positions in the construction business. His love for building and design led to a side business called Buddy Builders-Konstruction for Kids. His reputation for building quality projects led to being approached to design a rekenrek for Lynn’s district. The rest is history and MathRack was born…the first company to specialize in the rekenrek! His eight patents hang proudly in his office with more being processed. His community awards and plaques for giving back and volunteering at Edward Hospital with his therapy dogs are also displayed. But if you were to ask him what he is most proud of he would say: serving his country, having a company that helps kids learn and teachers teach, and giving back to his community through a partnership with the special needs and transition students in Wheaton, Illinois. Scott is a humble and kind man. And, according to Lynn, one of the funniest people she knows.
Lynn Rule
Lynn’s mathematical passion is to have teachers and students to THINK LIKE MATHEMATICIANS! For 36 years Lynn taught first, second, and third grade students for Naperville District 203 in Illinois. Lynn has her National Board Certification, was recognized as Teacher of the Year for the Naperville School District, and a finalist for Teacher of the Year for Illinois.
Lynn has assisted in the modification of curriculums to meet Common Core State Standards, integrated the Standards for Mathematical Practice and through a student centered approach successfully differentiated instruction to meet her students’ needs. Believing in real world context to teach math has deepened her students mathematical understandings.
Upon retirement in 2013 Lynn became the consultant for MathRack. She specializes in using the MathRack to build number sense, enhance understanding of the relationships needed for fluency, and demonstrates how the MathRack can be incorporated into any math curriculum.
Lynn has presented at the local, state, regional, and national levels at various conferences including NCTM, NAEYC, CAMT, and many others. She has also been a part of professional development with districts across the country. Her passion for learning extends beyond the MathRack…it is about serving teachers and students and having them Think Like Mathematicians!